Event Hooks
This example demonstrates how to bind events. VueStagePlay provides events for four stages; detailed information can be found in the StagePlayScene section.
<script setup>
import { ref } from 'vue'
import { StagePlaySpotlight, StagePlayScene, useStagePlay } from 'vue-stage-play'
const { action } = useStagePlay()
const consoleText = ref("log....")
function eventHandler(hookName) {
return ({ currentActName, currentScene}) => {
consoleText.value = `[${hookName}] Act: ${currentActName}; Scene: ${currentScene}\n` + consoleText.value;
<h2>How to place an elephant into a refrigerator?</h2>
<button @click="action('event')">Start</button>
:voice-over-content="'Open the door of the refrigerator.'"
:on-before-cut="eventHandler('Before Cut')"
:on-after-cut="eventHandler('After Cut')"
<!-- ... Omitted -->
<script setup>
import { ref } from 'vue'
import { StagePlaySpotlight, StagePlayScene, useStagePlay } from 'vue-stage-play'
const { action } = useStagePlay()
const consoleText = ref("log....")
function eventHandler(hookName) {
return ({ currentActName, currentScene}) => {
consoleText.value = `[${hookName}] Act: ${currentActName}; Scene: ${currentScene}\n` + consoleText.value;
<h2>How to place an elephant into a refrigerator?</h2>
<button @click="action('event')">Start</button>
:voice-over-content="'Open the door of the refrigerator.'"
:on-before-cut="eventHandler('Before Cut')"
:on-after-cut="eventHandler('After Cut')"
<!-- ... Omitted -->